97.5% of the earth's water is saltwater.
If the world's water fitted into a bucket, only one teaspoonful would be drinkable.
- The average person in the developing world uses 10 litres of water every day for their drinking, washing and cooking. (WSSCC)
- The average European uses 200 litres of water every day for their drinking, washing and cooking. (HDR)
- North Americans use 400 litres/ capita/ day. (HDR)
- 884 million people in the world do not have access to safe water. This is roughly one in eight of the world's population. (WHO/UNICEF)
- On current trends over the next 20 years humans will use 40% more water than they do now. (UNEP)
There are normally two challenges related to the meeting the water demand;
1. To meet the water demand or provide water according to the per capita consumption in the community.
2. To reduce the consumption of water
and educate the community in efficient use of water. Back