It is the policy of SLMDC to strive for the highest safety standards on our projects. Safety does not occur by chance. It is the result of careful attention to all Company operations by those involved, both directly and indirectly.
Our employees at all levels work diligently to carry out the Company's policy of maintaining safety and occupational health. Safety of the general public, our own employees and the employees of our subcontractors is a fundamental responsibility of our organization.
We work vigorously to control risks that lead to human suffering or loss. The goal is the prevention of occupational injury or illness for the safety of our people and the public good. Our company has developed a basic safety and accident prevention program which is followed on all projects regardless of size. This system evolved with the co-operation of our health & safety inspectors.
The HSE program's primary focus is to anticipate and control the marginal safety acts and conditions which may exist during each job function. All supervisory personnel are required to establish sound, definite and comprehensive safety measures and work practices commensurate with each operation of a project.
At the beginning of a project, our contracts manager must personally notify every foreman of safety requirements for the job. That safety awareness reflects positively in the quality and progress of the job to the benefit of our employees, our owner and our customers. More